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Unsere Cocktails

14 results available
A cocktail served in a shot with a hint of raspberry pineapple by belvedere vodka

The Cheeky One

French Martini Shot

the classic one belvedere martini cocktail

The Classic One

Belvedere Martini

the familiar one vodka soda cocktail

The Familiar One

Vodka Soda

the floral one spritz cocktail

The Floral One


the frozen one yo lady cocktail

The Frozen One


the peachy one fish house cocktail

The Peachy One

Fish House

the perky one espresso martini cocktail

The Perky One

Espresso Martini

the pink one cosmo cocktail

The Pink One


the posh one champagne old fashioned cocktail

The Posh One

Champagne Old Fashioned

the rocks vodka rocks cocktail

The Rocks

Vodka Rocks

the sour one vodka sour cocktail

The Sour One

Vodka Sour

the spicy one belvedere mule cocktail

The Spicy One

Belvedere Mule

the tall one rollins collins cocktail

The Tall One

Rollins Collins

the zesty one daiqui rye cocktail

The Zesty One
